O1-Assessment of STEAM Skills in existing curriculum in architecture schools

The way addressing STEAM skills will be examined in the partner schools’ courses/curricula and acknowledged architecture schools’ all over the world. As a result, best practices will be determined for how STEAM skills are addressed and how generic STEAM modules should be developed for best integration to existing curricula. METU will be responsible to obtain assessment report while UNIBO and AAU provide the content.


Three learning/teaching/training activities will be conducted at each partner countries. In these activities hosting partner is expected to present how STEAM skills are addressed in their own curricula. Visiting partners will attend regular courses to observe. Two days of the activity will be based on round table discussion on how to adapt STEAM skills in overall curricula. In addition to requirement analysis made via learning activities, each partner will gather information regarding how STEAM skills are addressed in well-known architecture schools in global scale for benchmarking.

O2-Delivery of STEAM modules

STEAM skills are generic skills independent from the discipline or occupation. In the scope of 02, generic guidelines for furnishing students in higher education will be developed to determine the learning objectives and outcomes together with interrelations between STEAM skills.


For the production of intellectual output, iterative and incremental methodology will be employed. The requirement analysis and planning part will be completed by the end of 01. Hence, implementation and evaluation phases will be conducted within the scope of 02. Partners will collaborate on how learning outcomes and objectives should be realized in a generic STEAM module with the requirements of digital era. The intellectual output will be finalized by preparing a report and publishing online via project website. The website will enable visitors to leave comments to gather feedbacks. METU will lead the preparation of output while UNIBO and AAU share the workload of the study.

O3-Adaptation of developed STEAM modules in existing curricula

The generic modules developed in the scope of 02 will be integrated to the existing curricula of three partner institutions. For this purpose, learning objectives and outcomes of the existing curricula will be revised to match the outcomes and objectives defined by the generic skills. Hence, reflection of STEAM skills will be established at the end of 03.


For the production of intellectual output, iterative and incremental methodology will be employed. The requirement analysis and planning part will be completed by the end of 01. Hence, implementation and evaluation phases will be conducted within the scope of 02. Partners will collaborate on how learning outcomes and objectives should be realized in a generic STEAM module with the requirements of digital era. The intellectual output will be finalized by preparing a report and publishing online via project website. The website will enable visitors to leave comments to gather feedbacks. METU will lead the preparation of output while UNIBO and AAU share the workload of the study.

O4-Development of field related content for architecture students

As learning objectives and outcomes for architecture schools regarding STEAM skills are defined in 03, 04 covers development of STEAM content in relevance to discipline profile. The 04 output will provide material for teaching STEAM skills specialized in architecture discipline.


Content developed for this specific output will include exemplary lesson plans, teaching methods and materials as well as assessment tools. Each partner will develop its own materials and will share those with other partnering schools. By this way, multiple presentation of the same content will be provided. Each partner will later provide formative assessment of their practices including students’ perceptions of the new content.

O5-Development of digital materials for dissemination of best STEAM practices in related courses

After the implementation of STEAM skills in related courses, the summative evaluation of these materials will be completed in this phase. Based of the formative & summative evaluations, the course materials will be finalized and disseminated through the web site of the project. Dissemination materials will include teaching & learning materials for the course, as well as students and instructors’ perceptions reflecting their essence of experience with the STEAM skills in the course.


All participating partners will provide their formative summative evaluation reports to be used in this phase. Based on these evaluations, the final generic course skills, teaching materials, and assessment tools will be proposed as the final output of the project. Those will be presented to the whole academic community through the project web site. Additionally, project outputs will be presented to other departments in each partnering universities so that outcomes of this project will guide other department and academic programs in integrating STEAM skills in their curricula. Thus, 3 day workshops will be conducted in each partnering universities.