It is with great pleasure that we announce the half-day seminar at Aalborg University
Thursday November 22nd, 2018, 09.30-12.00 am
You may register for participation at
Feel free to print and pin up the attached poster.
STEAM is an educational approach to learning that uses Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics as access points for guiding student inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking. The end results are students who take thoughtful risks, engage in experiential learning, persist in problem-solving, embrace collaboration, and work through the creative process.
STEAM is based on the understanding that innovation is often found where different subjects intersect. By learning these subjects at the same time, students consider a wider range of perspectives when solving a particular problem. Whereas traditional learning develops fact-based knowledge, STEAM focuses on skills such as flexibility, critical thinking, creativity, and communication. STEAM, therefore, integrates well with the PBL learning approach.
09:30 Welcome and introduction to ArchiSTEAM
09:40 Nis Ovesen: STEAM in Architecture and Design
10:00 Elizabeth Jochum: Humans in the Loop: Creative Approaches for Human Robot Interaction Research
10:20 Nicolai Steinø: STEAM Teaching with Apps and Gadgets
10:40 Coffee
11:00 AAU Students’ Association: A student perspective on STEAM in higher education
11:20 Lykke Bro Bertel: STEAM teaching and robot-supported learning in schools
11:40 Discussion
Participation is open to everyone and free of charge.
If you want to participate, please register on
Registration deadline is November 15, 2018.
Maximum number of participants is 50.
For inquiries, please contact Nicolai Steinø, or Nis Ovesen,
Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology, in the framework of the ArchiSTEAM project. The ArchiSTEAM project is a two-year, EU funded, development project aimed at STEAM skills in architecture and design education. The project partners are Middle East Technical University, Ankara, University of Bologna, and Aalborg University.
Aalborg University
City Campus
Room 3.529
Rendsburggade 14
DK – 9000 Aalborg
Semınaret fınder sted på Aalborg Universitet torsdag d. 22. november 2018, kl. 09.30-12.00
Tilmelding kan ske på
STEAM er en tilgang til undervisning der kombinerer videnskab (Science), Teknologi, Ingeniørvidenskab (Engineering), Kunst (Arts) og Matematik – tilsammen STEAM – som indgange til de studerendes refleksioner, dialog og kristiske tænkning. Resultatet er studerende der træffer reflekterede valg, kaster sig ud i eksperimenterende læring, er vedholdende i forbindelse med problem-løsning, samarbejder, og arbejder med kreative processer.
STEAM baserer sig på en forståelse af, at innovation oftest sker i mødet mellem forskellige fagområder. Ved at lære STEAM-fag i kombination, sættes de studerende i stand til at overveje flere og bredere perspektiver i deres problemløsning. Mens traditionelle læringsformer træner fakta-baseret viden, fokuserer STEAM på færdigheder som fleksibilitet, kritisk tænkning, kreativitet og kommunikation. STEAM er derfor velegnet i forbindelse med PBL-baseret læring.
Seminaret foregår på engelsk
09:30 Welcome and introduction to ArchiSTEAM
09:40 Nis Ovesen: STEAM in Architecture and Design
10:00 Elizabeth Jochum: Humans in the Loop: Creative Approaches for Human Robot Interaction Research
10:20 Nicolai Steinø: STEAM Teaching with Apps and Gadgets
10:40 Coffee
11:00 AAU Students’ Association: A student perspective on STEAM in higher education
11:20 Lykke Bro Bertel: STEAM teaching and robot-supported learning in schools
11:40 Discussion
Deltagelse er åben for alle og gratis.
Hvis du gerne vil deltage, bedes du tilmelde dig på
Tilmeldingsfristen er 15. november 2018.
Det maximale deltagerantal er 50.
Hvis du har spørgsmål, så kontakt Nicolai Steinø, eller Nis Ovesen,
Seminaret er tilrettelagt af Nis Ovesen and Nicolai Steinø, Institut for Arkitektur, Design og Medieteknologi, Aalborg Universitet, i forbindelse med ArchiSTEAM-projektet. ArchiSTEAM-projektet er et toårigt EU-projekt om STEAM-kompetencer i arkitektur- og design-uddannelse. Projektets partnere er Middle East Technical University, Ankara, University di Bologna, og Aalborg University.
Aalborg Universitet
City Campus
Lokale 3.529
Rendsburggade 14
DK – 9000 Aalborg